My blood tests were all a-ok and I’m absurdly healthy for someone who drinks so much. So… I have a prescription for T (Delatestryl)! And I have filled it! It is sitting in my medicine cabinet! I have also bought alcohol swabs and saw my family doctor for some preemptive acne medication (thinking ahead… puberty was a real bastard last time).
So what is the problem?
The pharmacy was out of 29g, 1ml needles. So they ordered me a box. Five days later… still no needles. Went there in person to say “yo what’s the holdup” and it turns out that there are like no 29g needles on the market at the moment. WTF eh? So I said, gimme 27g. GUESS WHAT? No 27g needles. Had to order some. They should be here next week early.
I’ve also not told my parents. I have literally been working on the same “coming out” letter/speech since 1997. Kill me now.