Been a While


I think it’s been over a year since my last post. Kept meaning to write something here, if only to track my transition, but I just haven’t had the… energy? Spirit? I don’t know. I was starting to get better, starting to pull out of my shell. The panic attacks were subsiding… I actually was spending more days out of bed… and then my best friend died. That sent me into such a tailspin that there were days where I fell right back to the early days when I lost almost everything in my life.

Little by little, day by day… sometimes just minute by minute, I kept pulling myself up, forcing myself to do things like shower and eat when all I wanted to do was stay in bed all day long. I had to get up and let the dog out… sometimes venture outside myself for a bit, but the time when Kiddo wasn’t with me—half the week—was just… one long anxiety attack where either I felt like I was having a heart attack, couldn’t stop crying, felt too nauseous to stand, too exhausted to move… or a pleasant mix of all four.

(The days when Kiddo is here… those are always my bright days, even when I was at my worst. She makes me feel stronger because she needs me to be there for her. I can be almost normal, even if some of it is so exhausting I need to sleep part of the next day while she’s at school just so I can refuel. The days she leaves… those are still hard. But after… [Wait, how long? How long has been since my time with her was abruptly cut in half? Years, by now?] After however long… I’m no longer crying my eyes out for hours after she goes. I still cry every time… but it’s only a few minutes. )

Heh but I do still drink too much on those nights and make bad meal choices.

Top surgery in June went well and I was over the moon. It’s never fun to recover from surgery but this was such a load off my chest (ha ha) that it buoyed me in a way that I really needed.

Transition has been such a paradoxical thing for me… had I not transitioned, I wouldn’t have lost my job, my home, my relationship, my ability to trust, and half my daughter’s time/presence. However, because of my transitioning and finally living as myself, I survived all of it… I don’t think I would have survived otherwise. The thing that caused the worst thing in my life is also the best thing I’ve ever done.

And, I know it’s a common “coming out” theme.

Then, when things were looking up, again, right around the anniversary of M’s death, another friend died… the circumstances frighteningly similar to M’s. Given two weeks to live, he only made it one. Again… all forward progress for me was kicked back to square one, but this time… I found myself bouncing back. Finding strength I thought I had lost. New apartment (that I love) and the sale of the house has pushed me further into the light. I still have panic attacks every day, but it’s 2-3 times a day max, and they’re nothing like the hours-long ones I was suffering before.

But, my bandwidth is still very very small. Kiddo is my primary concern. Then it’s my poor, aging doggo. Then it’s care for myself. I barely have the “spoons” for those three things… there just isn’t room for anything else. Which is terrible timing because someone I care about is very sick and I just can’t be involved, no matter how much I want to be. I can’t even let myself think about it too much or else I start to shut down… and I can’t. Not again.

Right now, I’m keeping my head down, finding joy in doing things I love—like spending time with Kiddo and cooking… and… writing. Yes, this week I sat down and wrote several thousand words. I hung up a few more paintings. I unpacked a few boxes… I actually vacuumed. All the dishes are done. And now I’m writing a little more. Could it be that I’m actually going to be fine again, or close to it? I’d like to think so. It’ll take time still… but… I’m feeling ok. And that’s good.


Crying Boy

Today I was supposed to go to my best friend’s funeral. I went to bed early so I would get enough sleep, I made sure to have plenty of time to eat, shower, get dressed…

But last night I didn’t get enough sleep… I woke up every hour, all night long, struggling to breathe and get my heart rate to slow. I ate, but was nauseous and I have so many canker sores in my mouth from stress that it’s torture to eat. I showered, but my hands were shaking and I kept dropping things. I got dressed and redressed and redressed and redressed.

Finally, it was time to go but I couldn’t leave the house. I stood in the tiny entranceway, my hand on the front door, for over twenty minutes (while the dog and cat both fretted over why I was just standing there). I thought “I have to go.”

I bit the bullet and stepped outside, only to go two blocks and turn back. I couldn’t do it. Drenched in sweat, fighting to take a breath, shaking like a leaf, I curled up on my bed until I was calm.

Thing is, he would have completely understood.

He was actually one of the only people in this entire world who’s really known just how tightly wound I am at all times. He called me the most emotionally repressed person he’d ever met. I’m not anymore, and that’s the issue at hand. You can’t shove all your emotions back into the closet after you’ve decided to let them all out… or at least I can’t. I won’t, actually. Can’t do that to myself again. Even if it means missing my best friend’s funeral.

I’ve taken few steps back towards being a mess… back to the dark days of this year and last, spent in bed, crying, struggling to overcome what feels insurmountable.

But it’s important to grieve. It’s important to feel. I lost the strongest pillar in my support network and I miss him and I am terribly sad for his family and friends. I’m angry that he died so young and so fine while so many bastards are still going strong. I’m reeling from the suddenness of his death. I’m turning around in circles trying to understand the point of life if all we do is die. I’m sitting here surrounded by so many things – books, music, movies that are all tied up in memories of him. I’m exhausted and I’m fragile.

But I’ll be ok. I will.

Every day gets a little brighter

Ugly Duckling

(Both literally and metaphorically… yay spring!)

I’m still losing an average of two days a week, work-wise, because my motivation remains in the toilet… however, those days are no longer spent in bed or in a slump on the couch. I’m getting things done, little by little, making sure not to overspend my “spoons”. The separation anxiety I feel every time kiddo is gone overnight is lessening… but that’s making way for anger. This would be a whole lot easier and I’d “recover” faster if this was either a “normal” split up or no kids were involved. Instead I spend half the week hiding how hard this is for me (though, honestly, kiddo is such a pleasure to be around that life is easier overall) only to need a few days to recuperate and deal with all this anger and pain. I can’t show kiddo how I feel. I don’t want to plant the fear in her head that coming out leads to abandonment. Not while she’s this young. Later, we’ll talk about it… but right now her circle of influence is so small, and I know firsthand how those fears can stick and grow over time.

It’ll get better. It always does.

I got the ball rolling on top surgery. Still need to run to the pharmacy for the list of all the medicines I’m currently taking (ventolin, delatestryl, and something topical for acne?) but I’ve sent in all the other stuff and jumped through all the hoops.

I hope.

I’m excited. I’ve already had reduction surgery years and years ago so I know what to expect. I honestly can’t wait. The first time I had the ladies (mostly) off was a wonderful thing. I already have a chest piece planned.

Today is the first day I’ll see my folks since I made the announcement of my gender switcharoo. I have no idea what they think because we don’t talk about anything. I was hoping to get a haircut this morning but my two places are closed. Ah well. They’re used to seeing me in a baseball cap 80% of the time anyway.

Heh, but the big question: do I shave?

Health Post



The Good:
Overall my health is good. I had full blood work done when I first saw my new GP a while back, a few weeks before I saw my endo. All my levels of whatever are good and my blood pressure is about what it should be. I learned from my endo that I have a small cyst on my thyroid but that it’s absolutely fine. Testosterone shots have been great for stuff like my body temperature regulation. I feel good overall.
Side note: I have to shave every few days. No, I’m not going to let it grow out until it’s more substantial… but I’m looking forward to that 😉

The Bad:
My knees are shot. I have moderate-to-serious osteoarthritis in both knees and a bit of floating bone that’s cocking up the works. Funny enough, now that I know what’s wrong with my knees, they don’t really hurt as much. Also, the underlying reason why my knees (and all joints) are so bad is still a mystery. More and more things are pointing towards EDS/HSD so I’ll have my GP send me for some testing of that. My acne comes and goes – I get new zits where new hairs are coming in (both face and chest and shoulders). Also, my asthma has been kicking my butt and so have my headaches… but the reason for that is below.


The Bad:
I’m still drinking far too much. I was drinking all the time when the ex was still here just to cope with the relationship. Also, drinking was just something we did… and any time I tried to cut down, it was met with weird hostility. I’m actually much better than I was just a few weeks ago—there’s a bottle of whiskey sitting on my bar that’s been there for four days… that’s a long time for a bottle of whiskey in this house. I’ve also switched to light beer.
The drinking is especially bad on the nights where kiddo goes to sleep at the ex’s place… I sort of panic and can’t get out of my head and drinking is pretty much the only thing I can think of doing. But, I’m not harming anyone but myself, and, like I said, I have cut down. I just need to cut down more… it’s bad enough I have headaches and asthma flare ups because of the weather, piling on hangovers is not doing me any good at all.

I’ve only just realized that I’m actively avoiding my office. I say to myself “I’m going to work from my office today” only to find myself on the couch an hour later. I’m still working/writing, yes, but with little to no attention span. I know I’m avoiding my office because I was forced to sleep in there on a tiny cot for a year and I obviously developed some negative associations with it. I have to get over it. I have to get back to working out of my office because it helps me focus and I need to focus if I want to get my groove back.

Sometime in the last 7 years I developed what I think of as a stress tremor. Most of the time I can hide it, but I really wish it would go away. It happens any time I have to hold still… like when I’m at the dentist or getting a tattoo or even the massage therapist. I find myself panicking, feeling trapped, and then my whole body just starts trembling. I usually get over it by alternating counting and reciting the alphabet backwards in my head.

Feelings…. oh feelings. I’m someone who’s on the very low end of the emotional scale to begin with, but after a decade of forcing myself not to care, not to react, my emotions are a little wonky, even for me. I’ll get to a better place, I know I will, but sometimes I can’t do anything but lie there feeling things and being overwhelmed. It’s exhausting and it contributes to the drinking.

The Good:
Transitioning is doing wonders for building my self-esteem back up again. There’s a bounce in my step. I keep thinking “thank god it’s over” about the whole female thing. I smile and hug myself. I dance in the shower like I used to (not as dangerous as it sounds) and I’m constantly singing. So, my mood is more positive than negative, I think. At least it feels like that today. Tomorrow, I might be melodramatically whinging to myself over something, but today I’m good. I’m even starting to really feel like socializing.

Things will get better. Things will get good. I have faith in myself.



The most astounding and painful things can happen almost simultaneously when you’re trans. Someone writes a few words of praise that bring out a rare and searing blush… and then a heartbeat later, the tears come unbidden, earnest and devastating.

It’s because, you know, no matter how much they appeal to you, being trans is one of the hardest hurdles to overcome.