T for Tuesday

Ugly Duckling

Just started week 10 on T and everything is going great. Kiddo helps out with my shots every two weeks when I have her by handling the bandaid—not that I need a bandaid, I haven’t bled or anything, but the last thing I want is to wind up with some freak infection because I didn’t take all the precautions 🙂 Voice getting deeper every week, acne still annoying but under control. Heh I’ve entered the “moon face” phase, but I’ve increased my water intake/reduced salt to try to mitigate the bloating—hopefully it doesn’t last too long. Definite bottom growth, no new chest hair to speak of but the ones I had pre-T are now thicker. I have to shave regularly or else the stubble is noticeable and too patchy to just let grow for now. Funny aside: still not used to shaving so when I put shaving cream on and get distracted, sometimes I put some on my nose like I’m putting on face cream. Heh. Oh! And all my facial hair is black so far, no sign of any white. My eyebrows are filling out and my body shape is changing. I have the thinnest ankles I’ve ever had in my life.

After injecting I am stoned. Like, super mellow and spacey and I have zero ability to do anything productive, so Tuesdays have become my day off 🙂

The holidays this year were… well, frankly terrible. The worst in my life. I’m not ok, I know I’m still partially in shock, but all I can do is live one day at a time. Kiddo keeps me sane and I’m thankful as all hell for her. And I’m thankful that I do something I love… for a few months I was worried that my writing wouldn’t recover, but I’m hopeful… I released something new and unplanned last month and I’m working on something else that makes me happy. I’m also hoping to increase my client base for graphics work. For now, I’m taking it slow… I need to tell a good friend about my transition tonight, and I’m going to let my parents/brother know next week. I’m spacing things out because I’m worried more rejection will send me spiralling again. Fingers crossed that it’s not the worst scenario. 🙂

Still waiting for the legal name/gender change to go though. If it goes through soon and I get my medicare and passport replaced, I’m saving my pennies to take kiddo somewhere warm with me in March. Torremolinos? Cuba? A Cruise? Playa del Carmen? Nice? Here’s hoping.

Day One


Guess who just took his first shot of T?

You got it… this guy. 🙂

I feel all jittery and weird but I don’t know if that has anything to do with the Delatestryl or if it’s just a vagus thing.

But, I’ve really got to tell my parents now, don’t I?


Pug Bug

My blood tests were all a-ok and I’m absurdly healthy for someone who drinks so much. So… I have a prescription for T (Delatestryl)! And I have filled it! It is sitting in my medicine cabinet! I have also bought alcohol swabs and saw my family doctor for some preemptive acne medication (thinking ahead… puberty was a real bastard last time).

So what is the problem?

The pharmacy was out of 29g, 1ml needles. So they ordered me a box. Five days later… still no needles. Went there in person to say “yo what’s the holdup” and it turns out that there are like no 29g needles on the market at the moment. WTF eh? So I said, gimme 27g. GUESS WHAT? No 27g needles. Had to order some. They should be here next week early.


I’ve also not told my parents. I have literally been working on the same “coming out” letter/speech since 1997. Kill me now.